I do not know if you were wondering but I do not care

For a few months, I have been putting stuff like this in my Instagram feed.

No context, no hastags, no explanation.

Well, sometimes.

If you have seen anything I have done, you would know it already kind of looks like a melting xray.

I’m not exaaaccttly not finishing things on purpose, but I am kind of iterating through some ideas, trying out a few different combinations of effects, trying out some work method stuff (like the relationship between the initial sketching and the digital alteration).

One thing that I am for real actually trying to improve is how the color combinations rotate in-and-out of each other, and how it effects the surface and depth. And I also think my art needs better hierarchy of form, and compositional separation, so that is part of the consideration with how the effects are layered.

I think though that even these incomplete versions still capture a sense of dramatic mystery. Naturally, when I finally get something into a shape I think counts as its “final version”, I will let readers like you know.


And by that I mean, it hasn’t got done yet.

inside fathoms

A few pics about the way Inner Fathoms were made:

Don’t forget you can get prints and merch of these artworks and more on my Society6 page!  https://society6.com/oroborosmosis/prints?sort=new

Three Inner Fathoms


You read that right… Three Inner Fathoms. Some new experiments with Photoshop, based on layered sketches I roughed out in Autodesk Sketch. Further pursuits in the liquification of light, space, form, and happening.

Here’s a link to my Society6 page: https://society6.com/oroborosmosis

I’ve seriously published these in there in the nice store, as nice products that you nice people can have. And you can do what I’m doing, and keep checking back to see if it is working yet….  😐  *** EDIT: It works yay https://society6.com/oroborosmosis/wall-art?sort=new

Fun Fact: The new logo actually says “WHID?”

Really, it does.

Not only that, but the headers aren’t just there to look nice, although I can not deny that they certainly do not fail in that aspect. The headers also demonstrate the dynamic visual capacity of the new logo, which rides the contemporary tide of flexible brand identity. Plus, messing around with it entertains me.

Yes, this is still “What Have I Done?”

I know it looks different, and that may scare or even worry some of you, but I, Joseph King, creator of this blog, can assure you that this site is still indeed “What Have I Done?”, everyone’s favorite blog about whatever I am doing. Out of the various things I could be doing, I decided to do a personal branding update. This includes a new logo, a new profile pic, and even a few new headers to celebrate the branding update for “What Have I Done?”.

It is very important to me that you enjoy this. Enjoyment is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.


some doodling that I doodled

Homework post “Roar Cycles”

I’m still in that UX course. Current project is UX for “Roar Cycles”. Project brief expects at least a home page, category page, and product page. Lo-fi screens, hi-fi screens, at least 3 microinteractions, and user testing.

Here’s a roundup of my latest progress from Instagram:::::::

unfinished arts