Fun Fact: The new logo actually says “WHID?”

Really, it does.

Not only that, but the headers aren’t just there to look nice, although I can not deny that they certainly do not fail in that aspect. The headers also demonstrate the dynamic visual capacity of the new logo, which rides the contemporary tide of flexible brand identity. Plus, messing around with it entertains me.

Yes, this is still “What Have I Done?”

I know it looks different, and that may scare or even worry some of you, but I, Joseph King, creator of this blog, can assure you that this site is still indeed “What Have I Done?”, everyone’s favorite blog about whatever I am doing. Out of the various things I could be doing, I decided to do a personal branding update. This includes a new logo, a new profile pic, and even a few new headers to celebrate the branding update for “What Have I Done?”.

It is very important to me that you enjoy this. Enjoyment is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.

Official Reminder: I am on DeviantArt

I have not posted anything on DeviantArt in a while, but if you have an account there, you can watch me. Even if you don’t, you can still look at my things, and many artworks I posted are also available in many forms of print and merch.  Okay, see ya later

Official Reminder: I’m still on Twitter

Technology is amazing, ain’t it?  Thanks to advances over the past several years, you can follow me on Twitter!

My profile has “darkest mode” enabled. Be like me and do the same. I have no way of telling if you’ve done it or not, but I still want you to do that.

Fall ’19 “What Have I Done?” Aging News Festival

September is coming to a close, and you know what that means!

Absolutely nothing!

I have gathered enough druthers to come up with some more stuff to post about.  I will input it into the Scheduler for Dispersal.  Stay tuned for a series of my posts that are recontextualized reposts of other people’s hard-wrought material. Nothing that is most-current-of-recents, but you may be interested anyways.

Naturally, your enjoyment is fully expected. Have fun having one thousand more tiny things to think about!

(Also many of these articles are just stuff I found on )